Crane Accident Lawyer

Crane Accidents

Even in slow economic times, New York City is growing taller and taller. These buildings are constructed with the help of cranes. Whether a crane sits on top of the building bringing items up or it sits on the ground moving items around the construction site, cranes play an integral part of keeping this city churning.

Despite federal and state safety requirements, companies and crane operators do not always make for a safe environment. Crane injuries can be devastating. If you or a loved one has suffered a crane injury, you need to speak with an experienced New York crane accident attorney as soon as possible. Your ability to recover maximum compensation for your injuries is at stake.

Causes of Crane Accidents

More than 40 people unfortunately die each year in crane accidents. While not every crane accident will result in death, crane accidents cause serious and sometimes fatal injuries.

Common causes of crane accidents include:

  • Overload
  • Collapse
  • Improper setup
  • Inadequate employee training
  • Dropped load
  • Improper crane maintenance
  • Hoist failure
  • Contacting other objects
  • Miscommunication
  • Negligent supervision

The common thread here is human error. Most crane accidents happen because an employee or a company was negligent. Companies often cut corners to make a larger profit. This means they may not properly train a new employee on how to operate a crane. They may also fail to provide proper safety equipment to construction workers.

Individuals can be negligent too. The crane operator may not pay close enough attention to what they are doing or swing the crane around too fast. Any of these scenarios can cause serious injuries to crane operators and other construction workers. This could even result in a worker being so severely injured, they can never work again.

Collecting compensation from the negligent party is the job of your crane accident lawyer in New York. While you focus all of your effort and energy on your health and well being, your lawyer can deal with the legal complexities, attempting to collect maximum compensation for your injuries.

Common Injuries

Crane accident injuries are often severe. Because cranes are massive pieces of equipment and carry loads weighing several tons, the damage an accident can do to a human body can be devastating.

Your injuries may include:

  • Broken bones
  • Neck injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Burns
  • Paralysis
  • Amputation

Clearly, these are not the only injuries you might suffer from a New York crane accident. Even minor injuries can cause a shift in your daily life. The most severe injuries may result in your life never being the same.

That’s why it is so important for you to speak with an aggressive New York crane accident lawyer. You deserve to recover compensation for your injuries. The last thing you need to worry about is how you will pay your medical bills and cover your financial losses from being out of work. The vast majority of bankruptcy filings in the United States each year result from a victim’s inability to cover their medical expenses.

Do not become another statistic. Work with an experienced New York personal injury lawyer today who can help you collect maximum compensation for your injuries so you do not pay a penny out of your own pocket.

Collecting Damages from the Negligent Party

Filing a personal injury claim is your path to collect compensation from the negligent party in your crane accident. But you need to know who is liable for your injuries and that may include:

  • Property owner
  • General contractor
  • Your employer
  • Subcontractor
  • Engineers
  • Crane operator
  • Crane owner
  • Construction companies

Each of these people and entities might be at fault for your accident and your subsequent injuries. You are entitled to a reasonably safe workplace and when an accident happens, that could be clear evidence that your workplace was not safe.

Once you determine who is at fault, and it could be more than one party, you want to try to collect compensation from them. Your lawyer may try to get you compensation for:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Lost wages
  • Lost earning potential
  • Loss of companionship
  • Loss of life enjoyment
  • Present and future medical bills
  • Rehabilitation costs

You did not cause your accident so you should not bear any of the responsibility of paying your medical bills or covering your financial losses. Depending on the severity of your injuries, you may be out of work for an extended period of time. During this time, you may not be earning a full salary and may have trouble covering your regular expenses. Your lawyer can try to get you maximum compensation for these bills and financial losses so you do not have to worry about how you pay your bills.

But you have to act fast. In New York, you only have three years from the date of your crane accident to file a personal injury claim. Three years might seem like a long time but it will go by quickly when you think about everything you face. Your focus, rightly so, should be on your health and well being, not worrying about a complex personal injury claim. That’s why you need to speak with a trusted New York crane accident attorney as soon as possible after your accident. While you work on getting better, your lawyer works hard to get you every dollar you deserve.

Work with a Trusted Lawyer

The lawyer you choose can make a difference in your ability to recover maximum compensation for your crane accident injuries. You need to focus on getting better and getting back to your regular life. You do not need to worry about how you will pay your astronomical medical bills or cover your financial losses caused by your crane accident. That’s the job of your New York crane accident injury lawyer.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a crane accident, speak with an experienced and trusted New York crane accident attorney today. Your ability to recover every dollar you deserve hangs in the balance.

Proven Results

From the moment our firm is retained on a case, we give it our undivided attention while working with the top experts, specialists, and investigators to prepare for victory at trial. This energy, passion and confidence truly sets the firm apart and has earned the reputation as a premier injury law firm in the New York City area.


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From the moment our firm is retained on a case, we give it our undivided attention while working with the top experts, specialists, and investigators to prepare for victory at trial. This energy, passion and confidence truly sets the firm apart and has earned the reputation as a premier injury law firm in the New York City area.

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